Posts in Home
6 Easy Updates For a More Relaxing Home

Everything about your home has the ability to impact how you feel, down to the decor choices, lighting, and colors you use. We’re spending most of our days inside lately, due to quarantine, so it’s even more important to have a space that functions as a calming retreat. Here are six easy updates to create a more relaxing home.

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Neutral Home Decor Favorites: How I'm Decorating My New Apartment

Earlier this month I moved into a new apartment. As much as moving can be a pain, it’s also an opportunity to restyle your space with fresh eyes! I’m always drawn to a more neutral look, with hints of color in accessories and flowers, and this time is no different but I’m adding in some new pieces.

Here are the furnishings and decor that I’m loving. Some of these, I purchased for the apartment already, and others are on my wish list!

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