Sleep: And Why It's Underrated

Sleep: And Why You Need More Of It. Sleep is underrated. It’s just as important as, if not more than, eating healthy and exercising regularly. By Heather Rinder, on

Sleep is underrated. I’ve always been an early-to-bed-early-to-rise person. Running on a lack of sleep is not a badge of honor to me. A good night's sleep is incredibly important for so many of the bodily functions that keep us healthy and keep our mind clear.  Truly, it's just as important as eating healthy and exercising regularly.

Here are just a few reasons to prioritize a good night's sleep.

xx, Heather

  1. Sleep is vital for brain function including cognition, concentration, productivity, and performance. 

  2. People who get a good night’s rest are happier, more cooperative, and conscientious. Duration and timing of sleep are associated with repetitive negative thinking.

  3. It regulates hormones that impact your appetite, and it helps reduce insulin sensitivity.

  4. Sleep strengthens your immune system, something we all need more of these days! Even a small loss of sleep can make you more likely to catch a cold. 

  5. You’ll procrastinate less. Waking up fully rested allows you to more easily solve problems, make decisions, and complete tasks in the morning and throughout the day.

  6. The ideal 7-9 hours of sleep per night can also help lower inflammation in the body. 

 Sleep, immune function, and inflammation are all regulated by our circadian rhythms. Our body, and circadian rhythm, thrives on consistency. Going to bed and waking up at the same time helps reinforce a stable circadian rhythm that benefits your total body health. My ideal sleep schedule is 9:30 P.M - 5 A.M., give or take 20-30 minutes.What’s yours, and are you getting enough sleep?

Follow me on @HeatherRinderHealth for more healthy recipes, workout ideas, and wellness tips.